White Cane Safety Day

The President of the United States proclaims October 15th as
White Cane Day, to acknowledge the abilities of people who are
visually impaired, and to promote equal opportunities as Americans.
It’s also a reminder that laws in all 50 states require drivers to
yield the right of way to people with white canes.
Fun Facts

● White canes are usually made from aluminum, fiberglass, or carbon
fiber, and can weigh as little as seven ounces.
● White canes are white because of George A. Bonham. In 1930,
Bonham, president of the Peoria Lions Club (Illinois), watched a man
who was blind attempting to cross a street. The man’s cane was
black and motorists couldn’t see it, so Bonham proposed painting the
cane white with a red stripe to make it more noticeable.
● In 1944, Richard E. Hoover, a World War II veteran rehabilitation
specialist, developed the techniques used today for safe,
independent travel.
● The first special White Cane Ordinance was passed in December
1930 in Peoria, Illinois. It granted blind pedestrians protections and
the right-of-way while carrying a white cane.
● With proper training, people using the white cane can enjoy greater
mobility and safety, as they travel independently in a variety of

Are you interested in teaching people with a visual impairment how to travel safely?
Stephen F. Austin offers the only​ undergraduate​ O&M training program in the United
States. The program also offers O&M training at the graduate level for certification.

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